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This morning I wrote here about trying to surrender and about the hymn “I Surrender All.”  A while later God told me I was concentrating on the WRONG WORD!

My focus should be on ALL!

Wow. Now that’s a change in perspective.

I started to fret about a friend’s situation and what to pray and do and felt the usual  burden of not being able to help. Felt myself getting overwhelmed by the situation and my inadequacy. Felt like I just wanted to ignore it.  Felt the GUILT about…quite honestly….the twinges of annoyance or impatience, etc. that pop up.

He said:

“Surrender it to me. Give her and her situation to me. Relinquish whatever need YOU have to fix it (and you and I both know you have a need to do that). I AM the fixer, not you. You don’t need to ignore the situation. You’re there for the journey, not for the repair work.  Just give it to me. I want you to surrender ALL. Everything. Not just what you think you should or the things you can’t handle. But ALL. Don’t worry about surrendering.  Just RELEASE.  Don’t be burdened. Take MY yoke upon you, and I will give you rest. ”

He’s the fixer. Of everything. Of ALL. Surrender ALL. ALL. What a relief….