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Even if you’re not a Star Trek devotee of ALL the different series (well, not so much Deep Space Nine) like I am, you’ll probably recognize that tag line.

But as I realized this a.m. during the not-quite-awake phase, that as much as I love watching their adventures, even on rerun after rerun, I would not have been one to join the Star Fleet Academy to serve on the Federation’s Starship Enterprise.      

I’m just too chicken to have an adventure.

Knowing the kind of TV shows and movies I’ve always liked to watch (Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, The Matrix, the TV show 24, The Walking Dead), you’d think I was quite the sword-wielding, laser-pointing, gun-toting, brave zombie killer, ready to sacrifice my life for the safety of humankind.  Obviously, I like to live my hero life vicariously.

John Eldredge in his books, including Waking the Dead (not to be confused with the aforementioned zombie show), tell us that we are MEANT FOR ADVENTURE. We are AT WAR on this earth, and we are supposed to be WARRIORS, fighting a righteous battle. Jesus came to set the CAPTIVES free and will return on a mighty warhorse to finish the battle.

Last night my husband & I did a “values-based exercise” about money, investments, etc. Mine went something like this:

  1. What’s important about money to you ? Security
  2. What’s important about security to you ?  So I can be in control
  3. What’s important about being in control to you ? I like to know what’s going on
  4. What’s important about knowing what’s going on to you ? So I’m not scared
  5. What’s important about not being scared to you? So I can be at peace
  6. What’s important about being at peace to you? So I can live the way God intends me to

My husband said something like “so being financially secure to you means you wouldn’t be distracted so you could feel free to be what God made you to be. OK, that makes sense…but there’s also that other thing –  that He wants us to RELY on Him…” Then I said something so ridiculous that God probably laughed out loud.

Although I AM scared & worried about lack of funds, I seriously thought that there were OTHER things I needed to rely on God for – MORE than just dollars and cents.

Until the early morning hours.

Money = Control, Security, Peace?

Hmmmm…..goes way beyond money, huh? It’s that old trust thing again.

It was a far more valuable exercise than I originally thought it would be. Don’t you love how God uses such ordinary things as shows and questionnaires as “learning moments?”

Yes, my eyes were opened to yet another layer being peeled off, exposing things that aren’t pretty. Well, You did promise me that You were going to tell me great and unsearchable things this year.  Not sure what I expected….

Jesus, Mighty Warrior, give me the courage and boldness for all the ADVENTURES designed for me. Forgive my lack of trust….again.